Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
These classes are designed to provide objects that will handle reading and writing of audio data as numpy arrays.

They are two: `Audio`, which is a read-only object, and `AudioBuffer`, that is a subclass
of `Audio` and `multiprocessing.shared_memory.SharedMemory`, thus providing a cross-processes data read and write functionality.

Created on Fri May 29 16:07:04 2020.

@author: João Vitor Gutkoski Paes

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
from multiprocessing import shared_memory as sm
from ossom import Configurations

config = Configurations()

[docs]class Audio(object): """Audio data interface."""
[docs] def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray, samplerate: int, blocksize: int = config.blocksize) -> None: """ Audio objects are a representation of a waveform and a sample rate. They hold the basic information to play sound. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray An array containing audio data, or a buffer to be filled with audio. samplerate : int Audio sample rate, or how many data represent one second of data. blocksize : int, optional Amount of samples to read on each call to `next`. The default is config.blocksize. Returns ------- None """ self._samplerate = int(samplerate) self._blocksize = blocksize self._data = data.reshape((-1, 1)) if data.ndim < 2 else data self._ridx = int() return
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Route Audio getitem to numpy.ndarray getitem.""" return np.ndarray.__getitem__(, key)
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterate method.""" return self
[docs] def __next__(self) -> np.ndarray: """Return data from `ridx` to `ridx` + `blocksize`.""" return self.read_next(self.blocksize)
[docs] def read_next(self, blocksize: int) -> np.ndarray: """ Read data from `ridx` to `ridx` + `blocksize`. Parameters ---------- blocksize : int The amount of data to read. Raises ------ StopIteration Unavailable to read more data than `nsamples`. Returns ------- data : np.ndarray A numpy array with `blocksize` rows and `nchannels` columns. """ if self.ridx > self.nsamples: raise StopIteration data =[self.ridx:self.ridx+blocksize] self.ridx += blocksize return data
@property def ridx(self) -> int: """Read data index.""" return self._ridx @ridx.setter def ridx(self, n): self._ridx = n return @property def blocksize(self) -> int: """Amount of samples read on each call to `next()`.""" return self._blocksize @property def samplerate(self) -> int: """Sample rate of the audio.""" return self._samplerate @property def data(self): """Audio data as a numpy.ndarray.""" return self._data @property def nsamples(self) -> int: """Total number of data.""" return[0] @property def nchannels(self) -> int: """Total number of channels.""" return[1] @property def duration(self) -> float: """Total time duration.""" return self.nsamples/self.samplerate @property def samplesize(self) -> int: """Size of one sample of audio.""" return @property def dtype(self) -> np.dtype: """Type of the data.""" return @property def bytesize(self) -> int: """Size, in bytes, of whole array. Same as `samplesize * nsamples * nchannels`.""" return
[docs]class AudioBuffer(Audio, sm.SharedMemory): """Audio data in a shared memory buffer."""
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str, samplerate: int, buffersize: int, nchannels: int, blocksize: int, dtype: np.dtype = config.dtype) -> None: """ Buffer object intended to read and write audio samples. Parameters ---------- name : str The SharedMemory name, can be None to automatically generate one. samplerate : int Audio sampling rate. buffersize : int Total number of samples. nchannels : int Total number of channels. blocksize : int Amount of samples to read on each call to `next` dtype : np.dtype Sample data type. The default is config.dtype. Returns ------- None. """ sz = dtype.itemsize * buffersize * nchannels if name is not None: try: sm.SharedMemory.__init__(self, name) except FileNotFoundError: sm.SharedMemory.__init__(self, name, create=True, size=sz) else: sm.SharedMemory.__init__(self, create=True, size=sz) buffer = np.ndarray((buffersize, nchannels), dtype=dtype, buffer=self.buf) Audio.__init__(self, buffer, samplerate, buffersize) self._widx = mp.Value('i', int()) self._full = mp.Event() self._full.clear() return
[docs] def __del__(self): """Guarantee that SharedMemory calls close and unlink.""" self.close() self.unlink() return
@property def widx(self) -> int: """Write data index.""" return self._widx.value @widx.setter def widx(self, n): self._widx.value = n if self._widx.value >= self.nsamples: self._full.set() return @property def ready2read(self) -> int or None: """ How many samples are ready to read. If the write index is smaller than read index returns None Returns ------- int Amount of samples available to read. """ dif = self.widx - self.ridx return dif if dif > 0 else 0 @property def is_full(self) -> bool: """Check if ringbuffer is full or not.""" return self._full.is_set()
[docs] def clear(self): """Set all data to zero."""[:] = 0 return
[docs] def get_audio(self, blocksize: int = None, copy: bool = False) -> Audio: """ `Audio` object that points to shared memory buffer, or a copy of it. Parameters ---------- blocksize : int, optional The read block size. The default is None. copy : bool, optional If set to `True`, the `Audio` is just a copy of the buffer. The default is False. Returns ------- Audio The buffer as a read-only Audio object. """ return Audio( if not copy else, self.samplerate, blocksize=blocksize if blocksize else self.blocksize)
[docs] def write_next(self, data: np.ndarray) -> int or None: """ Write data to buffer. If `widx` gets equal to `nsamples` the buffer is set to full. Checking can be made using the `is_full` property. Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Samples to write on buffer. Returns ------- int Amount of written samples. """ wdata, wsz = self._write_check(data) self._data[self.widx:(self.widx + wsz)] = wdata[:] self.widx += wsz return
def _write_check(self, data: np.ndarray): left = self.nsamples - self.widx return (data[:left], left) if data.shape[0] > left else (data, data.shape[0])